The Piano Celebration Week acknowledges with deep appreciation and gratitude the following organizations and individuals, whose extraordinary support makes our festival possible.

CONCERTO ($2,500+)
The Burkett Family
BALLAD ($500+)
Joyce & Norman Wilcox
Sangmi Lim and Dino Mulić
WALTZ ($250+)
Mailan Cao & Shaheen Karim
Callie Walker
Christine Molina
ETUDE ($100+)
Charles Gregory
Angela & Paul Montagna
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Each year at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, Piano Celebration Week provides opportunities for pianists of all ages and abilities to join us in celebrating piano music and artistry. In addition to experiencing performances given by world class pianists and the opportunity to participate in educational master classes, Piano Celebration Week serves a cultural need in the Coastal Bend by offering pianists at every level the unique and confidence-building experience of performing on stage in the Performing Arts Center at TAMU-CC. Additionally, the festival positions Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi and the City of Corpus Christi as a destination for musicians seeking to study at the University level, showcasing the beauty of our campus and city and the dedication of our faculty and students to sharing the benefits of music education.
Piano Celebration Week is made possible through community support and modest registration fees for participants. All concerts are free and open to public audiences. Support from the TAMU-CC Department of Music, Corpus Christi Music Teachers Association, the City of Corpus Christi’s City Arts Grant program, Yamaha Corporation, the Piano Gallery, and other generous donors support artist fees and lodging, promotional materials, audio and video production costs, and other expenses necessary to providing a rich, cultural experience for student participants and guests alike.
We ask that you consider supporting Piano Celebration Week in one or more of the following ways:
Make a gift at giving.tamucc.edu
“Enter Piano Celebration Week” in the Other Area of Interest (Special Instructions)
Send a check to:
TAMU-CC Institutional Advancement
6300 Ocean Drive Unit 5741
Corpus Christi, TX 78412-
Pay to the Order of TAMU-CC Department of Music
For Piano Celebration Week
Like us on Facebook @PianoCelebrationWeek
Subscribe to our YouTube channel @PianoCelebrationWeek
Help us spread the word
Attend our events at the TAMU-CC Performing Arts Center
Thank you for your support of Piano Celebration Week, and your support of music education and the arts in Corpus Christi.
Sangmi Lim and Dino Mulić
Directors, Piano Celebration Week
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
(361) 825-2679
Piano Celebration Week Sponsorship Levels
ETUDE ($100+)
• Recognition in the concert program
• Name or Logo on our social media/website and on the screen in the PAC lobby/concert hall
WALTZ ($250+)
• Recognition in the concert program
• Name or Logo on our social media/website and on the screen in the PAC lobby/concert hall
• PCW T-shirt
BALLAD ($500+)
• Recognition in the concert program
• Name or Logo on our social media/website and on the screen in the PAC lobby/concert hall
• PCW T-shirt
• Reserved seating for all the 2023 Piano Celebration Week events
SONATA ($1,000+)
• Recognition in the concert
• Name or Logo on our social media/website and on the screen in the PAC lobby/concert hall
• PCW T-shirt
• Reserved seating for all the 2023 Piano Celebration Week events
• Recognition as a Supporting Sponsor for a piece of music performed in a concert
CONCERTO ($2,500+)
• Recognition in the concert
• Name or Logo on our website, featured in the Program and on the screen in the PAC lobby
• PCW T-shirt
• Reserved seating for all the 2023 Piano Celebration Week events
• Recognition as a Supporting Sponsor for a piece of music performed in a concert
• House concert performed by the PCW Directors